Hey, friend.

Erika Sanborne Media LLC is a small graphics and media firm, specializing in portraiture for people who hate it but need it, digital graphics restoration of many kinds, accessible explainers and instructional technology (corporate explainers, classroom tech), data visualization and animation.

Yeah. It’s a lot. If you are looking for Erika Sanborne’s work, you are in the right place.

Erika Sanborne
Portrait of a GenX techie-looking person (Erika) with short, salt and pepper hair, wearing blue glasses and a slight smile.


How to Make the Best Graphs in Stata

how to marginsplot coefplot graphs
Some fancy-looking predictive marginsplot coefplot graphs in Stata.

Looking for how to make the best graphs in Stata? Data visualizations and predictive marginsplot graphs? How to use coefplot in Stata? These are a few of my favorite things! 🙂

What is Community Psychology? An Interactive Video Explainer

What is Community Psychology?
What is Community Psychology? Watch the interactive cartoon explainer.

The ten core values of Community Psychology are explained by cartoons, in a choose-your-own-adventure sort of interactive video explainer.

FUN FACT: This video won the American Psychological Association Division 27 Society for Community Research and Action Video Contest!